Bora Bora: Day 3

This is Day 3 of our Bora Bora honeymoon, and we decided to enjoy the free paddle board rental the InterContinental Bora Bora Resort and Thalasso Spa offers.

We had breakfast at the buffet then went paddle boarding and got in the pool for a while, but we did not get any video of that. We then decided to take one of the free boat shuttles to the InterContinental Moana Resort on the main island of Bora Bora, so we could walk over to the famous Bloody Mary’s restaurant.

It was about a one mile walk to get there and another mile to get back to the Moana resort for the shuttle back to our hotel. Once we were back at the IC Thalasso, we decided to walk around the resort and ended up on the OTHER side of it, which leads to the open ocean! Hope you enjoy the video and as always, feel free to leave any questions below.

Este es el Día 3 de nuestra luna de miel en Bora Bora, y decidimos aprovechar la renta gratuita del paddle board que ofrece el hotel InterContinental Bora Bora Resort and Thalasso Spa.

Desayunamos en el buffet antes de rentar el paddle board y después nos fuimos un rato a la alberca, pero no grabamos video de la alberca. Luego decidimos tomar el paseo gratuito en bote al otro resort InterContinental Moana que está del lado de la isla principal de Bora Bora, para luego caminar al famoso restaurante Bloody Mary’s. Caminamos aproximadamente una milla de ida y otra milla de regreso al InterContinental Moana para regresarnos en bote a nuestro hotel.

Ya estando en el IC Thalasso, decidimos caminar un poco y terminamos del OTRO lado del hotel, en un camino que te lleva al mar abierto! Disfruten el video, y no duden en dejar sus preguntas en los comentarios.

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